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Before reaching Olympia, we knew we would need to stop somewhere for the night. We decided that we would treat the kids (and ourselves) to another hotel stay (with a water slide). We found a hotel in Spokane Washington that included the slide and figured that was the best place to stop for the night.

Before we arrived in Spokane, we had heard of a town called Coure’de Aline and wanted to spend a little time there as well (especially since it was in Idaho, and we needed to actually get out of the RV and spend a couple hours there if we were going to mark it off our list 😊 ). We were so happy that we chose to stop there. The town is beautiful, and they have an amazing city park. We had a great time playing there before heading off to Spokane.

Once we reached our hotel in Spokane, we had just enough time for the boys to try out the pool slide (the girls were smart enough to not try the freezing waters since the pool slide was outside) and then we walked down to a Spokane festival “Pig out in the Park” to get some food. Walking up to the event, it looked peaceful and not too full – but once we walked under an overpass and into the main “eating” section of the event, we were overwhelmed by crowds. We decided to walk around a little and then head back to the hotel. We had a nice dinner and then enjoyed our nice warm showers, wifi, and late night TV!

The next day we swam a little in the morning and made our way towards Olympia. On our way, we drove through the farmland of Eastern Washington and encountered “dust tornados” which put Rich on the edge of his drivers seat! We also drove through canyons and lakes that we were not expecting to see as part of Washington’s topography. We made it all the way to Olympia before stopping in our own driveway for the night. It was great to see the house we are working on in person, meet our wonderful neighbors, and walk to our friend’s house for some playtime before bed. There are so many awesome sites and people we have met and seen on this journey so far…now begins our next chapter…

Some more pictures we love...

Using an axe...

Being "sworn in" as Junior Rangers...

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